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Ron Ringsrud was the host and guide in Bogotá for visits to the emerald marketplace from foreign buyers since 1986. He has also hosted groups from the L.A. County Museum of Natural History and the G.I.A. on their trips to the Colombian emerald source. Six blocks from downtown Bogota's famous Emerald District, Ronald has acquired a comfortable and convenient residence in Bogota where invited buyers can stay as an alternative to hotels while in Colombia's capital city. Ronald Ringsrud Co. is a wholesale emerald importing business based in Saratoga, California, and Bogotá, Colombia. We exhibit annually at the Tucson Gem Show and the JCK show Las Vegas.
RR Co. Contact Information: Ronald Ringsrud Co., Box 128, Saratoga CA 95071 ' Tel. 415 254 2474 email:ron@emeraldmine.com For over fifteen years RR Co. (Ronald Ringsrud Company) has supported charitable groups in Colombia whose success and worthiness can be seen HERE.
Publications and Awards Gota de Aceite, Nomenclature for the Finest Colombian Emeralds - Gems & Gemology Magazine, Fall 2008, pages 242-245 The Enhancement of Emeralds in Bogota, Colombia - Gems & Gemology Magazine, Fall 1983, pages 149-156 Coscuez: A Major Source of Colombian Emeralds - Gems & Gemology, Summer 1986 pages 68 -79 Muzo Emerald - Lapidary Journal, Jan.1988 Tunnels in Use at Muzo Colombia - In Focus (Quarterly publication of the G.l.A. Alumni Association) Summer 1989 Prospecting for Adventure - In Focus (Quarterly publication of the G.l.A. Alumni Association) Fall 1995 Award: Most Valuable Article Award, 1983 Gems & Gemology Magazine Robb Report Magazine, November 2001, Hearts of Stone p.166 Presentations and Lectures: Lions Club International District 4-L1, Jan. 86 G.l.A. (Gemological Institute of America) Alumni Ass., '86 Gemological Institute of America, Student Assembly, Aug. 87 G.l.A. Tour of South America: Bogotá 1988 Museum of Natural History of L A. County Tour, Bogot. 89 Gemological Institute of America, Aug. 90 The Industrial Club, Monterrey, Mexico, Sept. 90 G.l.A. International Symposium, Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, Featured Speaker, June '91 Industrias JD, Mexico City, Seminar on Gemology, May '95 Foro Internacional de la Esmeralda, Colombian Mining Ministry, Bogotá, 1996 FENALCO Colombian Business Roundtable, Bogotá Hilton, Aug. 1997 AGTA Seminar, Tucson Convention Center, Feb. 1998 First World Emerald Congress, Bogotá Radisson Center, Feb. 1998 G.I.A. Alumni Association, Golden Gate Chapter, San Francisco, 1998 G.I.A. Alumni Association, Central Valley Chapter, Sacramento, 1999 G.I.A. Alumni Association, Las Vegas Chapter, 2001 A.G.T.A. Lecture, Tucson Convention Center, with Richard Hughes Feb. 2007 G.I.A. Student and Staff Lecture, Carlsbad, 2008 NAJA: National Association of Jewelry Appraisers meeting, Tucson Convention Center, Feb. 2010 Geo-Literary Society Meeting, Crystal Ballroom, Tucson Convention Center, Tucson Gem & Mineral Show, Feb. 2010 |